If you’re like most business owners, you know that you need to use video in your marketing efforts – but why, and what kind of video should you use?

Why Business Owners Need Video in Marketing

HubSpot Research says that 54 percent of consumers want to see video content from brands they support – and they want to see it more than they’d like to see newsletters, social images based on content or text. Video is some of the most memorable content, too.

Types of Videos That Make an Impact

There are several types of marketing videos you can use to make a splash on social media and make your brand more memorable. Some of the most notable, particularly for real estate pros, include:

Event videos

Expert interviews

How-to videos


Customer testimonials

Event Videos

Event videos help draw attention to things your company does that are a big deal. If you’re sponsoring a community run, hosting a barbecue, holding a series of open houses in model homes, or anything else that deserves attention, an event video is a great way to showcase it. You can use footage from past events or draw attention to the event after you’ve already done it – the point is to use real footage that shows you participating in community events.

Expert Interviews

Question-and-answer videos are easy to make and really help you build trust with your audience. Using agents in your office, you can answer common real estate questions and get important discussions in front of your target audience.

How-To Videos

Walking potential buyers and sellers through their own processes makes great How-To video content. As a real estate professional, you know all kinds of tips and tricks that will help your prospective clients, and these types of videos are the perfect place to share that knowledge.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are perfect for helping people understand why they need to work with a real estate professional. You can focus on a fictional journey of a buyer or seller, and ultimately, focus on how working with a real estate professional helped that person solve the issue.

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are powerful when it comes to building trust. Showing videos that feature happy, loyal clients can get you miles ahead of your competition.

Do You Need to Talk to a Pro About Real Estate Marketing?

We specialize in real estate marketing and helping agents stand out from their competitors, and we can do the same for you.

Call us at 910-505-9315 or to discover how our team of real estate marketing experts can give you a big edge over your competition.