New Product we are developing- call in content? Call 800-591-8716 and talk. Then we take it and make it more than you could imagine.

Here are some call ins that soon we will be turning into other media that will get them branding, exposure across multiple platforms AND SEO. SEO that old dogs don’t have a clue about.

Now we will take these , convert them like you see in youtube and create so many different types of SEO rich content that will have seen more and all over the internet. One call to our 800#? endless media stuff you get back!

Don’t like to blog or ask questions on Trulia and Zillow? This explains how one call into our 24 hour 800 line of you talking about the things you did to help clients or your observations about the market WE can take and convert into media that can be uploaded to several popular social media sites anchored to the phrases that make you money. One call we get in MP3 format (as Glenn Tremain Discusses here) can be converted to be embedded into video, converted into text to put on your site, trulia blog and a host of other strategic areas. Facebook , Twitter, etc. are just a few but you get the point. Soon we will have agents doing this so we can show you visually how it all works. While this will go over the heads some in the industry and call what they can’t understand a scam or ripoff look at this with your own eyes and you will see this is the next progression to getting more business on the internet.

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